The Left Brain

Tom Connell

Director of Business Development email:

Tom is the newly-appointed Director of Business Development for MWN Media. Tom spent 35 years in education as a teacher, coach and more recently as a local teachers’ union president and has experience managing small businesses. (Every teacher has a side gig)

Tom has a wife and two boys, wishes he had a dog and is too emotionally attached to the Minnesota Vikings. 


The Right Brain

Michael W. Nelson

Founder, Creative Director email:

With over 30 years experience in the creative world, Michael is an independent Music Producer/Composer and Videographer stacking up production credits on over 70 albums including a #25 spot on the Billboard charts and an Emmy nomination for video production.

He has a wife, 3 kids, loves Diet Coke and coconut cake*

*photo not current given the love for cake